Yayyyyyy! I have reached the 2 year mark on 8/25/11. Needless to say I am both elated and frustrated all at the same time. This past year has gone by really fast. Between having my second child, finishing my degree, dealing with my husband and changing professions.......I have been overly stressed. I haven't done many styles to my hair this past year, partially because of all the weakening and breakage I have experienced. I will say that I am partially to blame for this as I am not great at conditioning my hair, or tying it up at night. My silk pillowcase has been in the linen closet for the past year. That has been mainly due to the fact that I saw no need for it, I assumed my hair would grow regardless. Couple this with the stress, and lack of conditioning, and postpartum hair loss and BAM! there you have it...LOCK LOSS!
I can't begin to tell you how many locks I have lost. I have lost four in this week alone and i have a few that are hanging on by one strand for dear life. The loss has occur ed along my hairline only on the edges.One of the longest locks I have is about to break off. I wouldn't be so frustrated , if it didn't take so long for my hair to grow. Don't get me wrong, I am happy with my locks, the GOOD and THE BAD so please do not get the wrong impression. When you have put so much energy in to trying to grow it, it hurts when it falls out in the sink. Especially when you have been down this road as a permie before.
So instead of dwelling on the negative and being hurt, I have decided to take action. I will be using the organic root stimulator system to restore my edges. The fertilizing serum helped when I lost my hair in the past. I will change my diet, by eating more veggies and drinking more water, exercising (with the time I have), and taking hair supplements. I recognize my hair is brittle and fragile to begin with, so sleeping in a bonnet and conditioning my hair at least bi-weekly will be a start. I was on a routine of just washing and going and I believe this may have contributed to my loss.
What do I look forward to next? My hair gaining it's strength back. On Septemeber 24th I will be visiting my loctician so that we can fix my hair. I tend to overexaagerate these things, but this is serious to me. When your locks start snapping off something is WRONG!I would like for my locks around the edges to be combined, or the same size as the ones in the center and near the back because it is so fragile. To not compromise my locs any further, I hope we can agree on this. Of course....still after two years I am STILL HOPING FOR SOME LENGTH. And yes I am still contemplating extensions. I am simply tired of my hair not being healthy for one, and not feeling as confident about it.
I do want to continue with my natural hair, that was the whole purpose of my not getting extensions to begin with.My hair has grown, there is no denying that. pretty soon I will have the pony I want so badly. I will be taking a break from DIYing to go see my loctician. I hope to be able to color it sometime in the fall, but this is not a definite thing. After going to my loctician for a few months and getting back on track I am sure things will be fine... I look forward to my second year and I wonder what I have to look forward to next.....